Four of a kind is a level made up of 4 cards of the same kind and 1 free card.Straight Flush is a level of 5 cards that are lined up and have the same symbol.Royal Flush is a level of 5 cards that are lined up and have the same symbol.Then the Capsa Susun has the highest to lowest card rankings including: Where the deck capsa has 3 ranks of cards to be formed, such as 3 cards placed on the top level, 5 cards placed on the middle level, and 5 cards placed on the lowest level.

Before doing this, the first thing you need to know is how to arrange the cards. ※ Indoplay does not support Real Money Transactions or gambling.After that, you need to arrange the cards correctly and correctly so that you can beat your opponent more easily. ♠ Get FREE GOLD when you finish your Gold ♠ Send and Receive Gold to/from your friends ♠ Supports Indonesian and English Language ♠ In-game Chat System and other social features ♠ Real-time and multiplayer Capsa Susun for anywhere anytime ♠ Gold for winner is given based on the total points and rank of every player in each round ♠ Every winning combo will be given points based on card ranks between players ♠ "Wrong Arrangement" will result in no point ♠ After arrangement, card combos will be compared individually to other player's combo ♠ Back Hand's combo rank must be higher than middle and Middle Hand must be better than Front Hand ♠ Each player is given 13 cards and must arrange them into 3 Hand (Front, Middle and Back) ♠ Using standard deck of cards (52 cards)

Now, you can play Capsa Susun with Mango Indoplay Online! Add friends, grow your community and spend time with your family by playing this CHALLENGING and ADDICTING game. Play the #1 CAPSA SUSUN (or Chinese Poker) card game on Android!Ĭapsa Susun is a fun card game which can be enjoy with your friends and family anywhere anytime.