Thorn works to identify technical needs to produce tools to allow law enforcement to stay ahead of perpetrators and rescue more children.

The first is to accelerate victim identification. Thorn’s work is guided by three principles. Spotlight is a really good tool for officers to use to help save victims. These statistics are shocking and horrifying, and Thorn is just one of the many foundations helping to try and stop this ever-growing problem. 63% of victimized kids Thorn encountered had been advertised online. The number of child sexual abuse files reviewed by the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children has grown rapidly from 450,000 in 2004 and 25 million in 2015, according to Thorns website. Technology has made child sex trafficking much easier. As they started to research and learn more about the problem at hand, they realized that this is just as bad of a problem in the United States as it is in other countries.

After Ashton and Demi had watched a documentary on what was happening to children in Cambodia, they learned something about the world that you can’t ever forget. Thorn was created in 2012 with Julie Cordua as the CEO, and was co-founded by Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore. Thorn is the digital defenders of children, a nonprofit organization that is crafting new technology to help stop child exploitation. Computers and other forms of technology make it so much easier for human trafficking to occur. The organization helping to stop sextortion of children.